Friday, September 27, 2013

DDIY Episode 2 - Welcome to the Shank Tank

After arguing the Pointillist vs. Pugilist debate, we dive into a dolphin tank to tackle the difficult question of how to get that mammals' blood! Not sure if we helped on the home fire drill, but you might want to consult a lawyer before proceeding. All of this and more Harry Potter puns than you can shake a broom at. So come on, Don't Do It Yourself!

Wikihows covered
How to be a successful busker
(The whitest retraction)
How to conduct a home fire drill
How to get a blood sample from a trained dolphin

Movie Game:
Crouching Tiger, Harry Potter
Kill Bill: Taxi Driver "Thwapping Speed"


Direct Download:
DDIY 2 - Welcome to the Shank Tank

We're on Stitcher!

iTunes link

Friday, September 20, 2013

DDIY Prepisode 2 - Pedophile Dracula

We are sitting out front of a Staples in Montana, stealing their wifi, to bring you the episode this week. It is vacation time for the DDIY crew. Episode 2 will be up when we return to sunny Seattle Tuesday. This week we help out with some of life's hardest questions, like how do you take care of a camel or a secret lover. Until next time, UngoogleYoSelf.

Link to Soundcloud

Covered Wikihows
How to let adventure be the rule, not the exception, in your life
How to regain control of a spooked camel
How to have a secret relationship
How to ungoogle yourself
How to get away from a loverboy/pimp

Friday, September 13, 2013

DDIY Episode 1 - Dire Wolf Full of Cats

On this flagship episode we chronicle the sad life of a lonely diorama maker. But don't get too upset, we tackle a much softer topic later: cats! You've got the questions, and we can help. So come on, don't do it yourself!

Movie Game: Why you shouldn't live with a rapper, corporeal or not.

Covered Wikihows
How to collect tips as an exotic dancer                                                 
How to be enigmatic                                                                                    
How to sneak your cat into work                                                          
Requested How To:  How to tell if a diamond is real

Movie game
8 miles of paranormal activity

DDIY Prepisode 1 - Spouse Papoose

(Part of our pre-episodes, where we were trying to figure this whole 'podcasting' thing out. We'll be putting these out with our actual episodes until we are caught up!)

Ever wondered about Bigfoot/Mermaid interactions? Neither had we until this weeks episode! We also get to heart of being seductive.. and when NOT to use it! Also: no drowing! 
Covered Wikihows
How to smile with your eyes
How to eat chocolate seductively
How to avoid drowning
How to care for a shocked hamster
How to become a mermaid/merman
How to search for Bigfoot
How to not avoid dating if you are married